Step beyond the canvas and explore the infinite possibilities of art as a reflection of life itself

Where Art Transcends

Enter a realm where art extends beyond the canvas into infinite dimensions. Guided by Grey, our master curator, explore a labyrinth of vivid paintings and animated sculptures, each piece a portal to wonder.

At ARI, art is not viewed—it is experienced. Every visit is an odyssey, each piece a conversation. Step into the extraordinary and let your journey through the boundless landscapes of creativity begin.


Mindy Campbell

Mindy is a Canadian artist who has been a freelancer since 2016 based in Montreal, Quebec where she has also studied Fine Arts at Dawson College. Mindy's go with the flow personality can also be seen poured into her work creating mixed media paintings that range from vibrant colors to very dark pieces.

Julia Brevetti

Julia Brevetti is a Toronto based artist who specializes in acrylic on canvas.

With a Bachelor of Art from TMU, Julia started her art journey as a way to pay for University. This passion then turned into her new career path.

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Farah Rezaei is a vancouver based Iranian artist born in Tehran, Iran. She discovered her interest in visual arts at an early age and graduated form a well known Technical-Vocational high school in Tehran with a diploma in graphic design. After immigrating to Canada she continued her studies at Emily Carr University and received her BDes, majoring in Communication Design in 2018. Her work has been recognized locally and has raised money for nonprofit organizations such as the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre (DEWC).

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Discover ARI by Grey:

Where Art Meets Infinity.
